Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ellen's # 1 fan!

Robert and I watch Ellen every night, she makes us laugh constantly. Brody has become a huge fan too. He gets so excited when she comes on it's hysterical. I thought I would capture what we witness every night. Enjoy!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Summer Time!! For us it is anyways.

Here is our pool!! Absolutely love it. Kaitlyn was so excited to jump in, she is a fish just like her momma. The water was a tad cold Saturday morning as you can probably tell from Roberts body language. I'm so happy that we will all have a place to cool off in these hot Texas summers. Here is Brody waiting patiently to join in on the fun.

At first he was a little scared, not sure what to think. He held on to us tightly for the first thirty minutes.

My fish enjoying the pool. We played all sorts of games. Marco Polo, a shark game and a mermaid game that she made up.

The sun finally came out in this pic! Thats when the water felt much better.

Brody doing it on his own! He didn't want anything to do with us once he figured out the float helped him out.

He loved the water so much. Even though it was a bit cold and his lips were turning blue. He got to enjoy an hour of it at least. We can't wait for warmer weather and alot more swimming pics.

Earth Day

Ok , Here I go my first post. last week Kaitlyn came home with a Earth day homework assignment. We had to make something out of our garbage that could be recycled. So after and extensive google search, a call to Nonnie , we decided to make something out of a gallon milk jug. Shouldn't be too hard since we use four gallons a week. This is the material she picked out at Hobby Lobby she said she loved it sooo much and it reminded her of the deer lease.
Here is the final project! A woven basket. It was meant to hold her wild flowers, but has recently turned into a home for frogs that she has been catching in the water meter holes. I'm really proud of here she did a great job putting this together, and she enjoyed the project alot.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Welcome to the Woods Clan!

Welcome to the Woods Clan family blog! Stay tuned for updates and follow us on this crazy journey we call life...all five of us...Tiffany, Robert, Kaitlyn, Ryland and Brody!